Welcome to David’s mathematical blog
David’s Mathematical Blog
Welcome to David’s blog about all things mathematical!
My name is David Ash. I am (among other things) a mathematician currently living in Northern California. I got started, many years ago, as an undergraduate mathematician working on finite field theory, as applied to cryptography, and co-authoring a paper published in Discrete Applied Mathematics. More recently, I have been involved in a project analyzing mathematical models published on the BioModels repository of biological and biomedical systems. This has indirectly led to a research interest in combinatorics, and I have a paper currently in press at Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire.
Best way to reach me is by email: dash@alumni.stanford.edu .

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are simply unwilling to do.
– Jesse Doe
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This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.
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This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.
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This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.